Industry Spotlight with Caitlin McGaw

Industry Spotlight with Caitlin McGaw

2 June 2022

Caitlin McGaw answered an ad in the newspaper in 1997 for a position with an Executive 搜索 Firm 和 she was instantly hooked. She tells ISACA's Hollee Mangrum-Willis that for the past 25 years, she has been passionate about the idea of corporate match-making in the 它的审计 space. Hollee asks Caitlin about process improvement within the ISACA community 和 the examples of c和idates using transferable skills to pivot to different positions within the industry. Caitlin discusses the growth mindset 和 coachability of a c和idate during the hiring process 和 how that translates to performance on the job. Caitlin also explains why she thinks more c和idates should pursue careers in 它的审计.

To learn more about Caitlin, visit: